The Carry Cross is a handheld wooden cross emblazoned with God’s precious Word. It is a tactile reminder of God’s love for us and the hope that can only be found in Jesus.

We are at WAR!! We are in a spiritual battle! We need to put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD daily!

Take up your cross daily!

Luke 9:23 says, Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”  If we are honest, what is the first thing we grab in the morning and the last thing we see before bedtime? Unfortunately, it is our phone and not our cross. But that’s about to change! Introducing the new Carry Cross Sticker that easily fits on the back of your phone, the front of your water bottle, notebook, or day planner.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

— 2 Corinthians 3:17


It was always



A Little About Us

The Why

Our journey began October 11, 2009. Now, over a decade later our mission remains the same. We will respond to God’s call and strive to point as many people to Jesus as possible. Encouraging brothers and sisters to get into His word and experience God’s Grace and Mercy first hand.

The Who

The Carry Cross is Made in America. We are a veteran-owned, husband and wife duo, based in the Jacksonville area in Northeast Florida. The Carry Cross has been a journey for our marriage as well, and we are so happy to share this passion together.

The Wood

We have had the joy of inscribing God’s word onto wood from all around the world. In addition to God’s precious Word, there is a beauty in the grain, an awe in God’s creation. We hope you find yourself encouraged by both the Word and the wood.